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Smog in Singapore

<p>In the worldwide media you can read about the smog problem Singapore got at the moment. We are already here since two days and have to say that the smog problem is bigger than it ever has been when we were here: residents told us that farmers in nearby Indonesia are burning woods to extant their farm grounds and the wind blows all the smog to Singapore right now. We were told that they do this every year and that these problems are known and can take as long as two months…. The view is bad and it stinks burned - but the life is still "normal" in Singapore - we use the underground, walk around and even have coffee outside…. Today we had a very long storm and a lot of rain - at the end it did not change a lot. At the moment there are no plans to cancel the race at all - the situation is monitored and all involved parties are working hard. I got memories of the Indian GP: in New Dehli we did not see the sun at all for most of the time…. Christoph Ammann, Singapore 15/09/2015
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